Jefferson College, Eastern Illinois University Join List of Access College Visits

This semester, we added two new colleges to our lineup of campus visits. Last week, Access high schoolers took the 45-minute drive to visit Jefferson Community College in Hillsboro, MO. It was our first time on campus, and we received an excellent tour, said Amy Clark, Access’ College & Career Director. “They have some great career pathways and job placement opportunities. Plus the housing is extremely affordable.” In addition to the usual walkabout, students spoke with professors, explored workshops and training labs, and met with representatives from the Veterinary Tech, Radiology, Nursing, Physical Therapy Assistant, Welding, and HVAC departments. An informative day, indeed. Thanks again to the JeffCo admissions and financial aid teams for showing us around.

And next month, students will spend a day in Charleston, Illinois, touring Eastern Illinois University. Chartered in 1895 as a teacher’s college, EIU now boasts over 8,800 students and offers 51 undergraduate degrees and 32 grad programs. We’re looking forward to the trip and will report back on our visit.